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Posts tagged ‘summer’

A Scholar Among Us!

The Gilman Scholarship awards offered for Summer 2012 have been announced.

Congratulations to Interstudy student, Kellie Lam for winning an award! Kellie will be studying at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College (Durban) this Summer.

Read more about the scholarship and how to apply here:

NEW Summer Program for Business Majors

Interstudy is pleased to announce a NEW Summer Program for Business Majors in South Africa. In partnership with Stellenbosch University, students will participate in a 5 week long program specifically focused on Business in Southern Africa. Please see below for a list of program highlights.

In addition to the 5 week academic program, students will participate in the famous Garden Route tour along the Western Cape of South Africa at the conclusion of their studies, along with numerous other excursion opportunities during their stay. As with all of our programs, Interstudy staff are available to students 24/7 for day-to-day and emergency support. Read more

Ushaka Land: A Poem by Melissa Brodie

Melissa Brodie, an Interstudy student from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College (Durban) Summer Program, shared this poem with us about her time in South Africa last summer. Nice work Melissa and thanks for sharing!

Ushaka Land

“Sawbona Sissy!”
“Yebo,” I answer grinning. Read more

Olympic Spirit

One year from today, the 2012 Olympic games will begin in London! Preparations for the games started in London years ago, as soon as the city won the bid to host the event. The updates made to the city for the games will last long after next summer too. Parks, arenas, and new roadways will transform London‘s East End. To top it off, a new Eurorail station will bring visitors in and out of the East End to and from Paris and Brussels!

In the heart of these exciting changes is Interstudy‘s partner university, Queen Mary, University of London. Queen Mary will be housing athletes on their campus during the games, and local students will have the opportunity to volunteer at the event. Study abroad students who are interested in volunteering at the games should complete their application for Spring semester as early as possible with Interstudy so you have time to arrange for housing after the semester ends, and to apply for a Tier 4 Visa. Please contact Interstudy if you have any questions. To start your application for Queen Mary, University of London, or any of Interstudy‘s other program locations in London or beyond, visit and click on Apply Now!

Pre-Departure for South Africa

The departure day gets closer, and my anticipation rises like the sun on a perfect summer day. Who knows what to expect, I just can’t wait to get there.

I wish to meet local South Africans and have memorable experiences with them. I intend learn a lot from the town of Pietermaritzburg and from classes taken at the university. For the most part, in my time overseas, I hope to gain new and valuable skills to bring back to the US. Skills that will help the pursuit of a successful career. South Africa will help me build more confidence in myself and my abilities.

Challenges and opportunities might revolve around differences in culture and language, and aspects of the everyday life. All specific opportunities and challenges will become clear over time after arrival in the city. A friend who had studied abroad gave me a good tip upon to her return to the US. She simply said to sit back and enjoy the ride, and on it there will be good and bad. This is the beauty of the traveling experience. With that being said, I am prepared to put my plane on autopilot and open myself to this intellectual and emotional journey.

First Lady Michelle Obama in South Africa

Interstudy students participating on the Interstudy Summer Program to the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Howard College just missed a run in with the First Lady of the United States! The First Lady, Michelle Obama, and her daughters Malia and Sasha were visiting in South Africa yesterday with a rare visit with Nelson Mandela, according to the NY Times. The family also visited the apartheid museum and the township of Soweto, where Nelson Mandela grew up. Read more

Not Your Average Summer

Phones ringing, printers running and learning the tricks to a Mac. This is what my summer entails. Some people might think I’m crazy for signing up for this, yet instead of spending my time at the beach getting a tan that will fade away, I will be working at Interstudy; learning skills that will stick around much longer.

After much deliberation I knew I wanted to pursue a career in international education. (For all of you out there who haven’t come to an answer yet, don’t freak out.) Having just graduated this past May, the first question I am always asked by people is “ what are you looking to do with your degree?” Just picture all the funny looks I get when I tell people I majored in Biology.

Clearly I have a passion for science, (no one would go through the “torture” of organic chemistry if they didn’t have to), but there wasn’t a specific area I was enthusiastic about continuing in. With that in mind, I thought about what other passions I had. I could have been a professional coin collector or worked in a tourist shop that only sold keychains, but instead I thought about my love to travel. Read more